Back in 1932 Mr. & Mrs. Watson decided to open Watson’s Candies. Right in the thick of the great depression, they knew that people needed a reason to smile. They were able to open the original shop in Downtown Walpole, MA and soon enough their gourmet chocolate were making the community smile again.

In order to keep this promise, there must be a certain type of person that works here. From beginning to end, the process of making our candy takes a lot of passion. We start with the cooks, that must intricately put the ingredients together. Then we have our dippers that spend time dipping each individual piece of chocolate. Once the candy is settled, it is individually packed into our gourmet boxes. After all of this, you get to order a box for yourself or your loved ones and that completes the whole process. Luckily, we have a staff that is dedicated to this craft.
Current shop located at 761 Main St. Walpole, MAÂ
At one point the shop had about 15 employees to do all of this work, beginning to end. Due to the pandemic & funding issues we are down to 7. On top of having a smaller staff, 4 of those employees are brand new. The Watson way is not one that is learned over night. Through our busiest time of year, our new employees had to jump headfirst into this and luckily, we were able to make it through this holiday season so far. It has taken an extreme amount of teamwork, patience and effort to deliver everyone’s beloved chocolates this past year. But we made it through and are looking forward to finishing out our busiest season on a high note!

With the money from The Barstool Fund, we are able to take a little breather and regroup. Virginia made a promise that she was going to get Watson’s to it’s 100th Year. Because of this opportunity, that goal is becoming even more of a reality. The Watson’s had a dream to give everyone a reason to smile during one of the toughest times this country has ever seen. Here we are in 2021, almost a year into this pandemic, with the same goal. Chocolate can’t fix all your problems, but it can sure make your day a little better!