Corporate Gifts

Watson’s Corporate Gifts and Client Appreciation Center

Corporate Gifts and Client Appreciation gourmet chocolateWatson’s Candies has been a mainstay in Walpole for years and provides gourmet chocolates and candy to individual customers—and to businesses as well. People find it important to express gratitude as well as to receive a special thank you. Corporate Gifts and Client Appreciation are mainstays of the business world. Watson’s Candies can tastefully meet your company’s gift-giving needs with delicious, handmade chocolates for your clients and prospects.

At Watson’s, our customers can try free samples in the shop if they would like to try something new….that is our way of saying thanks. We also are happy to provide companies with the opportunity to use our product to thank their own customers and show client appreciation.  If any of the following apply to your business, and you would like to speak with us about setting up a personalized package, just give us a call or email from our Contact page!

Corporate Events

Brighten up corporate events with a bit of gourmet chocolate! Corporate gift bags are always appreciated and help attendees remember your company’s name. Or how about some of our delightful candies for any table center pieces or catered buffets that you might have at your event. They can also contribute to better focus and attentiveness. It is true, the caffeine, cocoa butter and sugar in chocolate really can help!

Client Appreciation Gifts

Have you just closed a huge deal with an important client that you’ve never been able to sign before? Do you have any clients who have been loyal long-term customers? If any of these apply, say “thank you,” and show that you care and appreciate your clients by sending them the gift of gourmet chocolate. You won’t regret it.

Relationship Building Gifts

Is there a client you’ve been hoping to land? Sending the occasional holiday or special gift shows that you are both thoughtful and interested in building a relationship as well as doing business. They always say you have to spend money to make money….with Watson’s Candies, your money is well invested.