Watson’s Candy Care Package!


Chocolate Therapy 101!

Have a son or daughter away at school? Or know someone who could use a “pick me up”?

Watson’s Candies has the perfect solution — a Care Package.

Our survival package is made to order for the child who could use a taste of home, or for anyone else in need of cheer throughout the year.

So, if you want to say, “We are thinking about you,” say it with a Care Package from Watson’s Candies.

We can put a beautiful package together for you for $40.00 ( + shipping) or you can give us a call today and order a custom care package.
Just call us at (508) 668-2634 to get started!


Candy Care Package

Chocolate Therapy 101!

Have a son or daughter away at school? Or know someone who could use a “pick me up”?
Watson’s specializes in custom care packages for any and all occasions!

Watson’s Candies has the perfect solution — a Home Made Candy Care Package.
Our survival package is made to order for the child who could use a taste of home, or anyone else who is in need of cheer throughout the year.
Choose some treats from our year round items or seasonal favorites!

So, if you want to say, “We are thinking about you,” say it with a Care Package from Watson’s Candies.

We can put a beautiful package together for you for $40.00 ( + shipping) or you can give us a call today and order a custom care package.
Just call us at (508) 668-2634 to get started!

*Product pictures are only examples of past care pacakages or items that we care in the the shop.*

Additional information

Starting at $35.00

Prices start at $35.00 plus shipping